20 Creative Social Media Post Ideas for Recruiters

Published on 8 April 2024 in Blog

Crafting engaging content to post online is a key element of building strong brand awareness, regardless of the industry in which you operate. As a recruiter, you may often find yourself too busy to spend hours each week coming up with ideas for posts. We want to help you save valuable time. Read this article to discover 20 ideas for social media posts that will elevate your social media presence. 

Why it’s important to diversify your social media content

Do you know what’s one of the key mistakes that many agencies and recruiters make when curating their social media content? They’re simply too repetitive and keep posting information about new job openings over and over again. While this may work for some who already have a strong reputation among their target audience, it won’t necessarily help with breaking into new markets or when a recruiter is just starting to build their following.

For a job seeker, there’s nothing interesting in an Instagram or TikTok profile that only focuses on listing the positions that a recruiter wants to fill, as that’s the type of information for which they go to job boards like Indeed, Glassdoor or ZipRecruiter. Diversifying your social media content helps you build true connections with both candidates and fellow recruiters. Here’s why it’s important to make your social media posts diverse:

  • Competitive advantage: When you start posting something more than just job openings, you instantly gain a competitive advantage over those who continue to post monotonous content. Diversifying what you post can also improve the positioning of your profile and make it more attractive to social media algorithms.
  • Storytelling opportunities: You can use different formats (video, graphics, carousels) to tell stories that your audience will find not only informative, but also inspiring and supportive. Incorporating storytelling into your content strategy helps your followers get to know you on a more personal level.
  • Reacting to trends: Social media is constantly evolving and each week there are at least 10 trends which you could use to your advantage. When you allow yourself to post more than just ads-oriented content, you stay ahead and maximise your profile’s reach.

Find out more: Maximising Potential with Social Media Recruiting: Benefits and FAQs


20 social media post ideas for recruiters

To determine which types of posts to adopt, analyse the specific goals you have for your brand. Here are 20 social media post ideas you can use and what they’re good for:


Posts to attract candidates

Posts that will help you attract candidates include any graphics, articles or videos that help job seekers apply to jobs, interview or develop their careers. This category also includes content that builds trust and showcases how effective you are at helping people to secure jobs. Here are examples of posts that will provide value to those who seek employment:


1. Career tips

Career tips include any posts, videos and infographics, which help people strengthen their skills related to creating a job application or attending job interviews. In today’s competitive job market, this type of content may be especially valuable, as people continuously seek alternative ways of improving their performance and increasing their chances of getting a job.

2. Candidate success stories

Success stories serve as proof that you’re effective as a recruiter and know how to help people find jobs that they like. For example, you can showcase statements from people with whom you’ve worked the longest, helping them advance within their career and who would recommend you to others.

3. Career development resources

Sharing career development resources improves your credibility as a professional. From research summaries to resources like talent assessment tests, these types of posts help potential candidates to learn more about their own skills.

4. Job opening teasers

Job opening teasers give you more options to talk about open positions you’re advertising. For example, when you decide to share a teaser on Instagram Stories, add a countdown sticker to the story. This way, people know when to visit your profile and get full details about a job opening that might match their skills, experience and expectations. 

5. Office tours

Office tours can help you build momentum and increase engagement. Although this may not be possible for every job opening you have, it’s beneficial to do so especially for those clients who regularly use your services to fill open positions. Thanks to these posts, candidates get to know their potential employer better and see what it might be like to work at the company. 

6. FAQs

Answering frequently asked questions is a great way to showcase your expertise and connect with candidates on a deeper level. It also helps you learn what their current struggles are when it comes to finding a job. There are many ways to host FAQ sessions, for example, during an Instagram or TikTok Live, by adding an “Ask me a question” sticker to your story. You can also create a dedicated post where people can leave questions as comments.

7. Industry-specific job tips

Industry-specific job tips are great when you specialise in one or more industries, like IT or construction. These posts can help candidates who are thinking about pursuing a career in a new area, for example, after parental leave or just because they’re unhappy in their current job. Some examples of posts that serve as industry-specific job tips include articles or infographics about interesting entry-level positions or useful certificates to get to break into an industry. 

8. Things to avoid

When searching for advice, people tend to look up two specific types of posts: one tells them what to do and the other – what NOT to do. The latter can include advice about things which you wouldn’t recommend including on a CV or what not to say during a job interview.

9. Interactive challenges

Interactive challenges allow you to connect with your audience. They’re great for the algorithms because they encourage people to click, share and comment. Challenges can include short Q&As about interview etiquette or best practices when creating a job application.

10. Job comparisons

When seeking employment, people often make a list of several positions in which they’re interested, just because they all align with their skills and interests. By sharing comparisons of similar job titles or industries, you help candidates gain better insight of what it might be like to work in those roles. When comparing jobs, make sure to include information about average salaries, career advancement opportunities and key responsibilities in each job.


Posts to attract new clients

Curating social media content helps you position yourself as an expert and attract new clients who may want you to handle recruitment on behalf of their organisations. Here are types of posts that help attract business owners and gain clients:


1. Client testimonials

Client testimonials serve as reviews from your former clients, showcasing how they were able to succeed thanks to your knowledge and assistance. To give testimonials more credibility, include not only a quote but also the name of the person with whom you worked and the organisation they represent.

2. Tips for employers

Many smaller employers who follow you may not be able to afford outsourcing recruitment just yet, but they already know they want to make that happen soon. By providing them with unique tips for sourcing and interviewing candidates, you build long-term trust. This approach increases the likelihood that when they finally have the budget, you’ll be the first person they contact.

3. Recognition for clients

Recognition is a powerful method for showing appreciation to both former and current clients. It demonstrates that you take pride in your connections and informs the organisations that you stand for what they represent.

4. Advantages of working with a recruiter

SMBs who have not yet outsourced recruitment may not realise the effectiveness and convenience of working with an external recruiter. These posts aim to raise awareness of the potential benefits, such as freeing up time to focus on expanding their client portfolio instead of browsing through CVs and devising new strategies to advertise job openings.


Posts to network and attract other recruiters

Networking is a huge advantage of building your brand online. When you’re a freelance recruiter, this can help you feel less alone and exchange ideas with those who have similar career goals and responsibilities. Here are several types of posts which you can create to network on social media:

1. Market reports and industry trends

Posting market reports and industry trends can spark discussion. Whenever you share a link to a paper, be sure to add it to your story and ask fellow recruiters for their opinions.

2. Recruitment events

Whenever organisations announce new recruitment events, utilise your network to see who’s likely to attend. This enables you to plan ahead and exposes your presence to the organisers, which can help with elevating your position within the industry, for example, when you aspire to start sharing your expertise with others through public speaking opportunities.

3. Tips for recruiters

Even if you’ve only been in recruitment for six months or a year, remember that there’s always someone just starting in the industry. Documenting your journey allows you to turn your experiences into valuable tips and advice that others can use to build their careers.

4. Resources for recruiters

Resources for recruiters can encompass both industry-specific and generic content. For instance, industry-specific posts may include reviews of applicant tracking systems, tailored to the needs of recruiters in specific sectors. Generic resources may feature organisational tips and lists of tools to help recruiters manage clients and streamline processes.

5. Day-in-the-life posts

Day-in-the-life posts can be highly valuable to those who think about working in recruitment, HR, employer branding or a related field. When you’re a freelance recruiter, this content also showcases how you handle running a business. When creating day-in-the-life content, leverage various formats, such as video and photo. This allows you to repurpose footage from the same day to create multiple posts.

6. Best practices in recruitment

Best practices in recruitment encompass advice that helps fellow recruiters enhance their sourcing, interviewing and hiring processes. For example, you can showcase how to prioritise candidate experience or how to utilise multiple sourcing channels effectively. To further enhance content, consider organising online workshops and webinars to, for instance, teach other recruiters how to craft compelling job descriptions.

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